We need sliced bread, salted butter (English people prefers butter with a bit of salt) and a tin of beans (you can buy them in MERCADONA - I like HP BAKED BEANS in tomato sauce.
First toast the bread and at the same time open the tin of beans and warm them up (in a saucepan or microwave oven, as you prefer), spread a bit of salted butter on the toast and pour the hot baked beans over them.
If you add a fried egg (English style, without oil) , that is the best dinner you can have in front of the telly watching a good film.
JUST THE TWO OF US - Steaks & whisky sauce (Entrecotes con salsa de whisky)
Here's a recipe to impress your partner. Invite her o him to a lovely cooked meal. The results could be unforgettable.
We need two good pieces of steak (entrecote, sirloin or rump), season with salt and pepper. Melt some butter in a frying pan and fry a sliced garlic, add the steaks and fry quickly to seal on both sides. Cook them to your taste (rare, medium or well done). Take the steaks out of the frying pan and then add the whisky and Worcestershire sauce and bring to the boil. Serve the sauce on top of the steaks when served. Accompany with mushrooms, or sliced fried potatoes.
Set the table with a couple of candles, a good bottle of red wine, Rod Stewart classics , and this could be a perfect night for just the two of us.
We need two good pieces of steak (entrecote, sirloin or rump), season with salt and pepper. Melt some butter in a frying pan and fry a sliced garlic, add the steaks and fry quickly to seal on both sides. Cook them to your taste (rare, medium or well done). Take the steaks out of the frying pan and then add the whisky and Worcestershire sauce and bring to the boil. Serve the sauce on top of the steaks when served. Accompany with mushrooms, or sliced fried potatoes.
Set the table with a couple of candles, a good bottle of red wine, Rod Stewart classics , and this could be a perfect night for just the two of us.
Ahora también nos podrás encontrar en FACEBOOK, búscanos y comparte con nosotros lo que quieras.
London School of English-Valencia, Spain
London School of English-Valencia, Spain

Se ha formado un grupo nivel Intermediate-B1.
El horario es de 5 a 6 todos los días de Lunes a Jueves del mes de Julio.
Empezamos el día 4 y acabaremos el día 28 (ambos inclusives).
Nuestros grupos son reducidos así que anímate y apúntate.
Llama al 96.355.65.13 / 601.158.721 Preguntad por John o Gloria.

Y durante el mes de Agosto estaremos en Jérica, tiempo de descanso y de aprender inglés.
Tendremos cursos para niñ@s, jóvenes y adultos.
Todos los niveles.
Clases de mañana y tarde.
Y por supuesto, repaso de Primaria. Si las mates te dan dolor de cabeza, la lengua se te atraviesa, en conocimiento del medio te duermes. ¡No te preocupes, ven a nuestras clases y te ayudaremos!
C/ San Valero/Horno Grande, núm. 17
Jérica (Castellón)
Tel. 601.158.721/ 96.355.65.13
Si tienes deberes para el verano, ven a nuestro centro y te ayudaremos con las matemáticas, la lengua, etc.
Maestra Diplomada en Magisterio con amplia experiencia.
Maestra Diplomada en Magisterio con amplia experiencia.
Curso mes de julio (Del 4 al 28) una hora diaria de lunes a jueves. profesores nativos. todos los niveles, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato, preparación exámenes E.O.I. y Cambridge University. 23 años a su servicio nos avalan. llama e infórmate!
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